Victoria Physiotherapy Group is excited to announce we are offering a new strength and conditioning exercise program….
Kinetic Link Training is a fun and challenging approach to resistance training. The approach uses the whole body rather than traditional gym programs that focus on a one muscle group.
The aim is to improve the body’s ability to “move with ease”. This applies to clients with specific rehabilitation needs or clients wanting to improve performance at any level.
Whether you are an elite athlete or a weekend warrior, KLT is a great way to increase strength, endurance, balance, co-ordination and confidence with movement.
An individually tailored program can be devised for you to carry out at home or at the gym.
Alternatively, we will be running private and group sessions of this exciting form of exercise.
Please follow the link below to see more information about KLT
To register your interest email us at admin@vicohysiogroup.com.au or call us on 93615123.